when we came to know that this semester we are going to have an SSR project as a part
of of our curriculum we were so much excited and wanted to do something which could
have a lasting guidance was best which turned up during our discussions,
as we are in third year we know the importance of choosing your career from the starting itself.
those students who didn't yet decided which career to choose this career guidance may be of
great help.then we thought that already for GATE, GRE, cat etc coaching is going on in our collage.
so we planned to bring those lecturers to the career guidance program and give the fellow
students a glimpse of their respective fields.
Hi, what a great web blog. I usually spend hours on the net reading blogs on career guidance. And, I really would like to praise you for writing such a fabulous article. This is really informative and I will for sure refer my friends the same. Thanks